As The LinkedIn Gods have reminded us, exactly a year ago Greg Pinelo and I came together to form Blue Amp Strategies based on an idea: "Win On All The Screens."
Greg was a top ad maker on both Obama campaigns. I'd made some waves in the public-relations world, including creating the original digital-PR program for Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns (Everytown for Gun Safety).
Greg and I surmised that if we were truly going to serve a client or cause, we had to do great creative & PR, but we also had to utilize our ability to move messaging on Twitter. With a large combined following of, and relationships among, influencers from the worlds of politics to sports, Hollywood to media and beyond, we could be sure we didn't leave any views on the table.
Within six months, we’d become one of only a few firms doing creative for President-Elect Biden's campaign, PR and political strategists for a top-notch organization in ACRONYM, and much more. It has been, in short, a helluva ride.
Here's one of our ads for Biden/Harris. Incredibly proud our project came so far so fast, and that we got to be a part of this incredible effort.